“Orthodoxy in America: The Role of the Assembly of Bishops” at 2024 Clergy-Laity Congress

by | Jul 4, 2024 | Religion


The ministry panel held on July 3, 2024, “Orthodoxy in America: The Role of the Assembly of Bishops,” was a unique opportunity for laity to hear directly from members of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the USA as they discussed and shared their visions of Orthodox Unity in America. The panel, which was moderated by Fr. Nicholas Anton, consisted of Metropolitan Nathanael (GOA), Metropolitan Gregory (ACROD), Bishop Maxim (SOC), and Bishop Andrei (OCA), who shared their diverse perspectives from within the Orthodox Christian tradition and engaged in a thoughtful conversation that transcended ecclesiastical boundaries. Among the themes emphasized were the significance of fostering unity and collaboration among Orthodox communities in America at the parish level, as well as the historical necessities leading to the current efforts. On the difficulties of moving towards a unified Orthodox Church in the United States, His Grace Bishop Maxim noted that “The Roman Empire was converted to Christianity through an ethos, not through an ideology. In our time we see people coming to our faith and bringing their own baggage. This is very hard to deal with: in our current times, our challenge is to help people to free themselves of their pasts, because we cannot move forward without first dealing with the present difficulties.”

Attendees heard about some of the impressive accomplishments and programs supported by the Assembly of Bishops. For example, the Inter-Parish Association program, which fosters local collaborations among parishes, and the Association of Bishops Accessibility Ministry, whose mission it is to provide accessible liturgical resources to the estimated 50,000 blind or deaf Orthodox Christians in America; Mental Health Ministries; Agencies – such as IOCC, OCMC, OCF; Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry, Orthodox Volunteer Corps; OYM – Ecumenical and Interfaith dialogues, and many more. These programs are essential to living out our call, as Orthodox Christians, to be one in Christ, to offer the opportunity for fellowship and unity, and to answer Christ’s call to love our neighbors as ourselves. This ministry panel truly embodied the spirit of the 2024 Clergy-Laity Congress “In Christ, We are One.” For more information on the Assembly of Bishops visit: assemblyofbishops.org.

Photo: GOARCH/Dimitrios Panagos.

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