The hermit “acrobat” monks of Karoulia on Mount Athos: A journey to their true paradise

by | Dec 1, 2024 | NP Exclusive, Religion


It is said that “true paradise in life is where the soul smiles”. For the hermit monks living in the steep caves of the Karoulia region on Mount Athos, this “isolated paradise” is precisely where their souls find joy. Despite the challenging and often perilous conditions, they have created their own heaven, far removed from worldly distractions.

In the southernmost part of Mount Athos, where the earth appears to meet the sky, lie the hermitages of these monks. The area of Karoulia, which belongs to the monastery of Megisti Lavra, is rugged and steep, requiring the monks to perform daily acts of daring—“spiritual acrobatics”—as they navigate the treacherous terrain to go about their lives.

The name “Karoulia” comes from the Greek word for pulleys, a reference to the ingenious system used by monks and pilgrims to deliver food and water to the hermits’ remote caves. Even today, these pulleys remain in use, sustaining the hermits in their solitary lives.

Witnessing the monks moving about the cliffs of Karoulia is nothing short of breathtaking. To descend from their caves, they rely on chains securely fastened to the rocks, using the same method to return. In areas where the rocks almost touch, they move like climbers, balancing themselves from one rock face to another. Despite the inherent dangers of their daily movements, divine providence seems to protect them, as there are no reports of serious accidents.

Their ascetic lives resemble those of the early Christian hermits. They have minimized their earthly needs, eating only the bare essentials and drinking rainwater to survive. Their true sustenance, however, is “spiritual food,” as they dedicate themselves to constant prayer and contemplation. The solitude of their lives enables them to experience divine grace and inner peace.

Renowned Greek writer Nikos Kazantzakis (1883–1957) once wrote: “You have the brushes, you have the colors, paint the paradise and enter it”. It seems that the hermit monks of Karoulia have indeed found their paradise, painting it with their unwavering faith and devotion.


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