From an Orthodox Christian perspective, the question of whether God is listening to our prayers opens up a profound discussion about the...

Global News Through a Greek Lens
Global News Through a Greek Lens
From an Orthodox Christian perspective, the question of whether God is listening to our prayers opens up a profound discussion about the...
Being alive in the Orthodox Christian Church encompasses a rich tapestry of theology, practice, and community life, rooted in ancient...
Introduction The political atmosphere in America today is characterized by deep divisions, cultural conflicts, and a myriad of challenges...
Listening for guidance from the Lord is a profound spiritual practice in an Orthodox Christian context. It requires a mindful...
Remembering the tragedy of September 11, 2001, holds deep significance, particularly from an Orthodox Christian perspective. This event...
The concept of the spectacle, as coined by French philosopher Guy Debord in his seminal work “The Society of the Spectacle,” refers to the...
Orthodox Christianity, as one of the oldest and most traditional branches of Christianity, holds a significant place in the world for a...
According to Orthodox Christian belief, the purpose of life is to glorify God and to become more like Him. This message is based on the...
As an Orthodox Christian, I found the opening act of the Paris Olympics featuring a rendition parody of the Last Supper with drag queens...
How do we live a culture of finding fault with others while uplifting ourselves from an Orthodox Christian perspective? In Orthodox...
In the Orthodox Christian tradition, the question of whether God has a plan for us or if we are simply aimlessly spinning in the...
One, two, three, now breathe! Not so easy living a post truth world is it? Hope is a foundational concept in Orthodox Christian...