Greece Honored at New York City Hall for rescuing Queens Man in Atlantic Ocean

by | Apr 6, 2011 | Ανακοινώσεις


mooneyΣτο City Hall, στις 7 Απριλίου 2011 στις 11 πμ θα δοθεί συνέντευξη τύπου του κ. Victor Mooney, ο οποίος στην προσπάθειά του να διασχίσει τον Ατλαντικό ναυάγησε και διασώθηκε μετά από 14 ημέρες από το ελληνικό πλοίο MV Norfolk. O κ. Mooney θέλει να ευχαριστήσει δημόσια τον καπετάνιο και το πλήρωμα του σκάφους, αλλά και την Ελλάδα.

Ο Victor Mooney στην πρόσκλησή του αναφέρει τα εξής: 

On Sunday I arrived from Sao Paulo, Brazil. On February 26, I began my third attempt to row from Africa to New York to bring action towards the spread of HIV/AIDS. My boat took on water at the start of the row and sunk. I deployed my life raft and waited fourteen days without any food. I was later picked up by MV Norfolk heading to Brazil.

On my second day on the life raft, a ship approached me, nearly ten feet. A man came to the end of his ship, looked at me and turned around. I was visible and used a flash light to shine on him and my self. I focused on my mission, which is founded on saving lives. Thank God for the MV Norfolk. 

Diana Shipping also covered my repatriation to New York. The US Coast Guard and members of US Congress are planning to honor the Captain and crew of the MV Norfolk. Tommorrow, there is a press conference at New York City Hall (11 am). It is my hope that someone can attend. I want to publicly thank the state of Greece for there commitment to saving lives at sea.

When you or a representative arive at City Hall security gate, just say “you are here to the 11 am press conference for the New Yorker that was rescued in the Atlantic Ocean”.

Your support is requested. Wire stories for your perusal. 

NYC Rower Tries for Third Time to Cross Atlantic

NY man’s third attempt to row across Atlantic Ocean ends in 2-week ordeal, sea rescue

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