Η Ελλάδα είναι …παντού!

by | Feb 10, 2012 | Επικαιρότητα


inter-mediaΠρώτο θέμα στα διεθνή ΜΜΕ οι δραματικές εξελίξεις

Των Βασίλη Δαλιάνη, Ηλιάνας Φωκιανάκη, protothema.gr

Όλα τα μεγάλα ειδησεογραφικά sites και οι εφημερίδες σε Ευρώπη και Αμερική αναφέρονται στην Ελλάδα και τις τελευταίες εξελίξεις.

CNN «Βγάλτε την Ελλάδα από το ευρώ»

Με τον τίτλο «Μικρύνετε την Ευρωζώνη για να την σώσετε» το αμερικάνικο δίκτυο CNN αναφέρει «κάθε μέρα η κρίση στην Ελλάδα βαθαίνει» και αναρωτιούνται εάν είναι πιο σοφό να μείνουν λιγότερες χώρες στην ευρωζώνη.  

Το CNN συνεχίζει χαρακτηρίζοντας ηρωικό (!!!) το ΔΝΤ και την Ευρώπη που προσπαθούν σαν Δον Κιχώτες να σώσουν την Ελλάδα, αρνούμενοι να δουν ότι η Ελλάδα σε λίγο θα εξαναγκαστεί να βγει από το ευρώ σε λίγο καιρό.

Bloomberg: «Η σωτηρία της Ελλάδας σε κίνδυνο» 

Με αυτό τον τίτλο αναφέρει το Bloomberg στο πρωτοσέλιδο του την κατάσταση στην Ελλάδα, μιλώντας για την «οπισθοδρόμηση» των κομμάτων μετά την συμφωνία για τα νέα μέτρα που επιβάλλουν οι Γερμανοί. Το Bloomberg αναφέρει τις διαδηλώσεις στην Αθήνα σήμερα και την εκτενέστατη χρήση χημικών της αστυνομίας και την παραίτηση υπουργών, αναφερόμενο στην δήλωση του γιώργου Καρατζαφέρη για «ευτελισμό της χώρας». 

NY Times “H Ελλάδα βουλιάζει στον κοινωνικό αναβρασμό μετά τα αυστηρά μέτρα»

Οι Times της Νέας Υόρκης αναφέρονται εκτενώς στα σημερινά γεγονότα δίνοντας έμφαση στις δηλώσεις Παπαδήμου και στο δίλημμα που έθεσε στους υπουργούς του. Όλες οι πολιτικές εξελίξεις καθώς και οι συγκρούσεις στο κέντρο της Αθήνας αναφέρονται λεπτομερώς στο άρθρο της Αμερικάνικης εφημερίδας καθώς και οι δηλώσεις Βενιζέλου στις Βρυξέλλες. Σε γενικές γραμμές η εφημερίδα παραμένει ουδέτερη στην στάση της. 

Guardian: «Οι Έλληνες εξεγείρονται κατά των σκληρών μέτρων»

Η Guardian με φωτογραφίες από τις σημερινές συγκρούσεις διαδηλωτών και αναφέρεται εκτενώς στα επεισόδια, στις αντιδράσεις των βουλευτών και τις πέντε παραιτήσεις εξαιτίας των μέτρων και την άρνηση του ΛΑΟΣ να ψηφίσει υπέρ των νέων μέτρων. Φυσικά δεν λείπει η αναφορά στους οίκους αξιολoγήσεις και στο τρενάκι του τρόμου που φαίνεται να έχει καβαλήσει το Χρηματιστήριο Αθηνών.

Le Monde: «Ο Παπαδήμος προειδοποιεί για μη διαχειρίσιμο χάος»

Η γαλλική εφημερίδα αναφέρεται στις εκκλήσεις του Έλληνα πρωθυπουργού για την ανάγκη υπερψήφισης της νέας δανειακής σύμβασης καθώς σε αντίθετη περίπτωση η χώρα θα αντιμετωπίσει σοβαρότητα πρόβλημα με τις εισαγωγές βασικών αγαθών και προϊόντων. Σε βασικό της άρθρο στην ηλεκτρονική της έκδοση η Le Monde κάνει λόγο και για στον κίνδυνοι κοινωνικής έκρηξης που ενδέχεται να προκαλέσουν τα συνεχή μέτρα λιτότητας στην Ελλάδα. 

Der Spiegel: Η ελληνική ακροδεξιά κατηγορεί τη Μέρκελ 

Το γερμανικό περιοδικό που χαρακτήρισε «φαρσοκωμωδία» τις προσπάθειες διάσωσης της χώρας μας από την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση αναφέρεται στις παραιτήσεις μελών του υπουργικού συμβουλίου και εστιάζει στις επικρίσεις του Γιώργου Καρατζαφέρη για τη γερμανική πολιτική, ο οποίος έκανε λόγο για «γερμανική μπότα» κατοχής στην Νομισματική Ένωση.

Le Figaro : Παπαδήμος: Κίνδυνος χάους 

Με αυτόν τον τίτλο αναφέρεται και η κεντροδεξιά γαλλική καθημερινή εφημερίδα στην ηλεκτρονική της έκδοση για τους δραματικούς τόνους του Έλληνα πρωθυπουργού στο υπουργικό συμβούλιο. Η Figaro αναφέρεται επίσης στην κρίσιμη ιστορική συγκυρία της Ελλάδος και στην περίπτωση δημιουργίας κλίματος κοινωνικής αναταραχής σε περίπτωση που η χώρα οδηγηθεί σε χρεοκοπία.
Δείτε κάποια από τα δημοσιεύματα του διεθνούς τύπου

Anger Erupts in Athens as Bailout Demands Spark Outrage

Thousands of protesters take to Athens’ streets as Greek coalition buckles

Greece reels after leaders agree to harsh spending cuts

The Greek debt conundrum, explained

Facing down protests, dissent, Greece vows to push through austerity warns of 

Greek protesters hurl Molotov cocktails at police [Video]

Europe stocks dip on Greece uncertainty

Greece Is in a Class by Itself

Summary Box: Greece wary of default consequences

Greece must do ‘whatever it takes’

Greece deal fails to convince, EU demands more

Greece deal uncertain as ministers quit, violence erupts

Greece Plunged Into Political Turmoil Over Austerity Measures

Greece must back bailout or face catastrophe-Papademos

Greece Is in a Class by Itself

Greece reels after leaders agree to harsh spending cuts

Greeks strike against austerity before crucial vote

Greece Pushes Back Against German Demands for Deeper Cuts to Receive Aid

Greece Pushes Back Against Demand for More Cuts to Get Aid

Greek police union wants to arrest EU/IMF officials

Facing down protests, dissent, Greece vows to push through austerity warns of 

Greece must do ‘whatever it takes’

Greece on shaky ground as coalition party rejects troika loan deal

Political resignations and general strikes hit Greece

Greece Pushes Back Against Demand for More Cuts to Get Bailout

Greece Hit By 48-Hour Strike Ahead Of Parliament’s Austerity Vote

FOREX WEEK AHEAD: Another Week Of Greece-Watching To Test Euro

Greece: 4th minister resigns over austerity

In Greece, the Growing Shadow of the Dreaded Drachma

Greece Rebuffed on Aid as Austerity Vote Raises Euro Risk

Greece Sets Austerity Plan

Greece on strike as bailout deal in limbo

Greece and the euro: the crisis continues

A look at commonly asked questions and the latest developments in Greece’s

Greece: Who is being ‘bailed out?’

Greece crisis reaches boiling point as Athens asks if it can stay in the euro

Greece agrees to more cuts but fails to secure new aid

Barroso expects Greece bailout package next week

Greece heads for reshuffle amid strikes, EU diktat on debt

Understanding Greece’s Austerity Deal

Greece govt stuck between protesters and troika

EU: Greece must cut deeper to get bailout

EU/Athens standoff fuels possibility of Greek default

Greece bailout: Eurozone ministers set tough conditions

Treasurys gain; Greece goes back to drawing board

Greece: more ministers resign over austerity

If Only Greece Would Unbind Prometheus From The Euro

Greece euro crisis: Most dangerous moment

Greece’s relationship with the eurozone is poisoned – but for how long?

Greece: running street battles erupt in Athens

Tension in Greece as debt deal nears vote

Eurozone gives Greece ultimatum for new bailout

Greece makes deal with banks, cuts wages to get debt relief

Athens clashes in Greece over Greece Eurozone austerity deal

Greece bows to further austerity, but bailout delayed until next week

European stocks, euro falter on Greece divisions

‘Tombstone’ Politics in Greece

Greece strikes painful deal to avoid default

Europe stocks dip on Greece uncertainty

Greece bailout: Lucas Papademos warns of default chaos

Asian markets slip on Greece bailout fears

For Greece this is only be the beginning

Greek Bailout at Risk as Party Pushes Back Against German Demand for Cuts

Troika demands more cuts – Greece strikes

Greece’s Laos Party Will Not Vote For Reform Package-Party Leader

Greek PM Says Default Would Lead to “Chaos”

Greek far-right leader rejects bailout

Greek Junior Coalition Party Opposes Austerity

As Greece Strikes Deal, Awaiting Reaction from Europe

Greece’s dubious deadlines

How Rescuing Greece Could Destroy the World

The Greek debt conundrum, explained

Summary Box: Greece vows to enact austerity plan despite protests, warns of 

Greeks clinch austerity deal, lenders skeptical |

Greek Government Faces Rising Opposition To Austerity Plan

Greece’s leaders make a deal on job, spending cuts

Euro Zone Meets On Greece Bailout As Athens Reaches Last-Minute Deal

Europe to save banks and let Greece slide

Greeks strike against austerity, EU demands more cuts

Greece facing ‘uncontrolled chaos’ without debt deal: PM

Greece must back bailout or face catastrophe: Papademos

Greece government discusses austerity and new bail out

EU ministers add conditions to Greece deal

Greece told to cut a further 325million euros just hours after agreeing 

Riot police go up in flames as Greek protesters armed with petrol bombs and 

Greek Bailout at Risk as Party Pushes Back Against Cuts Demand

Greece: How to Slow the Nosedive

Highlights: Euro zone ministers, officials after Greek talks

Greece bows to new austerity measures – but still a bailout deal is not finalised

Greece agrees to slash wages, jobs in last-minute deal

Greek officials reach austerity deal that could pave way for bailout

With Greek Impasse, Europe’s Debt Mess Is Just Beginning

European stocks, euro falter as Greece waits on bailout

FinSys Update: Greece PM: Disastrous If Bailout Not Approved

Greece secures last-minute bailout deal, but it will hurt

Matt Gurney: After marathon talks, Greece agrees to slightly delay bankruptcy

Medusa Shocks The Stock Markets Again

Greece reaches austerity deal

Greece bows to further austerity measures by EU & IMF, bailout delayed

Greece reaches deal on austerity

Breaking point? Greece vs. Argentina

Greek vote seen as referendum on euro

IMF, Greece continue talks to finalize bailout

Greek protesters hurl Molotov cocktails at police [Video]

Greece agrees to slash spending to put bailout within reach, yet economic pain 

European debt crisis pitches Germany against Greece

Dollar Advances on Rivals

Greece Reaches Accord on Austerity Demands

Papademos Tells Greek Ministers to Back Bailout Demands or Quit

Greece’s Deputy Foreign Minister Resigns Over Austerity Plans

Greece Braces For 48-Hour Strike Starting Friday

Euro ministers question deal to bail out Greece

Euro Zone Meets On Greece Bailout After Athens Hits Savings Snag

Greece agrees austerity deal to win bailout

Anger Erupts in Athens as Bailout Demands Spark Outrage

Greece cost cuts may not be enough

Riots over Greece spending cuts

Strikes after Greece agrees to new round of austerity measures, but still no 

Greeks hit the streets, comparing latest austerity measures to dictatorship

Europe’s trust gone, Greece at crossroads

Greece fatigue’ sets in

U.S. stocks slump as Greece deal delayed

Eurozone dismisses Greek budget deal

Greek Cabinet Members Resign Over Austerity Measures

Greece debt talks fail to reach full deal

Greece strikes deal on new austerity measures

Markets fall on Greece protests

Unrest in Greece ahead of parliamentary vote on aid deal

Is Greece Pushing Its Luck — Or Proving You Can’t Bluff a Bluffer?

Money for Reforms for Greece

Greek coalition buckles amid strikes, EU diktat

Right Wing Greece Govt Coalition Party To Oppose New Measures

EU Comm: Greece Parliament Must Approve 2nd Bailout By Wed

Greek coalition party to oppose austerity measures

Greek homeless shelters take in casualties of debt crisis

Venizelos says Greece must decide on euro membership

A petrol bomb explodes at riot police on the sidelines of a protest against 

U.K. stocks fall amid uncertainty in Greece

Greece clinches long-stalled reform

Europe Demands Stringent Greek Acceptance of Austerity Plan

Greece Reaches Accord on Austerity Demands from Its Lenders

Greece hit by strikes protesting debt plan

Greek PM says anti-bailout ministers must go

Tough new terms for Greece bailout

We need to reinforce monitoring in Greece, says Rehn

Greek Prime Minister: Greek Government Can’t Allow Default

Euro ministers cautious on Greek bailout deal

Pitfalls Ahead for Greece and Europe

Greek Ministers Quit As Violence Flares In Athens

Greece braced for fresh wave of strikes as government finally agrees new round 

European shares hit by new Greek concerns

Greek Debt Crisis Hitting US Stocks

Greek deal prospects rise, euro ministers to meet

Banks Come First in a Greek Rescue Plan

No Bailout for Greece–Yet

Thousands of protesters take to Athens’ streets as Greek coalition buckles

Two more Greek ministers resign

Greek PM: Country on brink of economic chaos

Greece Default Not a Topic in Brussels Talks Today, EU Aide Says

In Brussels, No Unity On Greece

Greek deal doesn’t end spending drama

IMF Says It’s Not Forcing Austerity on Greece During Talks

Greeks Reach Deal on Austerity to Meet Condition of Bailout

Greece to Pledge 20% Cut in Minimum Wage, Pension Cut, Draft Accord Shows

Greece in General Strike Vs Austerity

Athens Clashes over Greece Eurozone Austerity Deal

Greek PM: Default Would Lead to “Chaos”

Why the Greek Bailout Doesn’t Change Much of Anything

Euro Zone ministers to meet next week for Greece bailout

Greece’s austerity deal: Too little too late?

Greece bailout in limbo, despite advances on austerity

Greece reaches deal with troika on new cutbacks

Debt crisis: live

Stocks Take Dive, As Greek Bailout Deal Remains Uncertain

European stocks rattled by Greek bailout tremors

Greece leaders agree bailout cuts package

Greece’s deputy foreign minister resigns: State TV

Brussels rejects Greek austerity plan

Eurozone defers decision on 2nd bailout for Greece

Cuts and tears: Greek police disperse angry mob (VIDEO)

German Stocks Fall on Greek Bailout Delay; Banks Lead Declines

Greece: Thousands march in Athens as strike begins

LIVE: Violence Breaks Out In Greece, Police Union Threatens To Issue Warrants 

Greece faces ‘uncontrolled chaos’ without debt deal: PM

Greece to Pledge 20% Cut in Minimum Wage, Draft Accord Shows

Greek Deal to Cut Spending Does Not End Debt Drama

Greece’s broken promises anger EU partners

In Europe, Stagnation as a Way of Life

Greece leads its ministers into exodus before leaving euro

Greece leads its ministers into exodus before leaving euro

Greek leaders agree to new spending cuts in bid to avert default

Greek’s leaders get deal on cutbacks

Europe is just as guilty as Greece

Greek Laos Ministers Offer To Quit Government

Greek Government Faces Rising Opposition

Greece on strike as Eurozone demands deeper cuts

Greek leaders fail to agree on new budget cuts

Greece mulls harsh new cuts in bailout talks

EU confident Greece will agree to cuts for bailout

Greece debt deal reached as leaders agree to austerity package

Finance ministers discuss Greek bailout

Greek Coalition Party to Oppose Austerity

Shrink the eurozone to save it

Greece’s ‘Austerity’ Plan Is Anything But

Greek PM will not reshuffle cabinet on Friday: source

Greece’s cuts might not be enough

Greece’s two-day national strike brings tension

German Ruling Parliamentary Groups Meet Fri On Greece-Officials

Greeks clinch austerity deal, lenders skeptical

Greece fails to cement bailout agreement

Greece urges eurozone to endorse debt deal

Venizelos Says Greece Faces Choice of Staying in Euro Or Not

Greece still needs ‘concrete actions’ before getting bailout: EU

Greek Unions Striking Against New Austerity Measures

German FinMin warns on Greek bailout deal

Greece to get extra year to achieve primary surplus-party official

Greek PM says default would lead to “chaos,” vows to push through austerity

Greece reaches a bailout agreement, but euro zone partners demand more

U.S. dollar edges higher against euro, sterling

Greece agrees on bailout terms

Bailout doubt: Greece agrees spending cuts amid Euroworries

Germany questions Greece decision

EUROGROUP: EU Rehn: Greece Must Convince Partners Through Action

Greek far-right ministers offer to resign

Talks on Austerity Steps Are Stalled in Greece

Greece Isn’t Out of the Woods, Just Yet

German minister warns on Greek austerity deal

Eurozone finance ministers issue Greek austerity demands ahead of debt deal

European Finance Ministers Reject Greece Proposal

EUROGROUP: Greece Fin Min: Have Struck Strong, Credible Deal With Troika

Euro Zone Withholds Greek Bailout Approval Until Austerity Passed

Greece closes in on bailout deal after three days of brinkmanship

Report on workers’ strike in Greece

Greece debt plan rejected as inadequate

Greek PM says default would lead to ‘chaos,’ vows to push through austerity

Greek Police Union Threatens Symbolic Arrest Of IMF Officials

Asia stocks slip as Greek bailout remains in limbo

A look at economic developments around the globe

Unprecedented general strike in Greece

Greek Prime Minister Vows To Push Through Austerity Deal


Greece bailout: Eurozone ministers demand more cuts

Greek party leaders fail to sign off on bailout

Greece’s austerity plan


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