Liberal Party Endorses John Catsimatidis for Mayor

by | May 9, 2013 | English



New York:  The Liberal Party of New York State today endorsed John Catsimatidis, the successful businessman and independent Republican as their nominee for Mayor of the City of New York. The endorsement was made Tuesday morning at a City Hall area news conference by Liberal Party Chairman Jack Olchin. 

Chairman Jack Olchin said “John Catsimatidis understands history and respects the power of a successful Republican-Liberal Party fusion in New York City electoral politics. In addition, John also understands the concerns and aspirations of all New Yorkers and we feel he will be a people’s Mayor just like the first Republican-Liberal Party fusion Mayor, Fiorello LaGuardia in the 1940’s. For those and many other reasons the our party is proud to endorse John Catsimatidis as the Liberal Party nominee for Mayor of New York City.

“A member of the Liberal Party recently described John Catsimatidis as an ‘uncommon common man’, an individual who will speak to all New Yorkers in a language they understand; with a genuine feeling and concern for their well-being that will be recognized in every neighborhood in the city and by all of us who care about New York’s present and future.”

Liberal Party Executive Director Martin I. Hassner said, “I am confident that the candidacy of John Catsimatidis will be a step towards helping the Liberal Party rebuild on a sound foundation of principles that will not only benefit the party but, will benefit the people of New York City as well. John will fill the void left by Tom Allon who was our standard bearer until his recent withdrawal from the race. The only thing we ask of John is that like Mr. Allon, he works to ensure that the Liberal Party has the signatures need to qualify for the November ballot.

“The Liberal Party appreciates Catsimatidis’ acceptance of its principal campaign issue: a comprehensive reform of the city’s public school system with a concentration on teaching children, not testing them, and providing intensive training and a Master Teacher Program to help teachers to the best job possible in their crucial work.

“John Catsimatidis is a real businessman and manager who will open the city’s books as he would at any business so as to find the waste, the mistakes, the bad judgment and the total lack of oversight that has caused the budget to go up 55% in the past eleven years and forced the raising of taxes and fees to meet those expenses…mostly at the cost of our middle class.

“This is a manager who has dealt with unions his entire business career and understands the needs of union leadership and the men and women who belong to unions. He will negotiate as an individual who understand how to relate to the leadership and the rank and file, so as to hammer out new municipal union contracts that will save the city millions while providing the best possible deal for our city employees.

“John Catsimatidis understands that with hands on training our police force will minimize the difficulties experienced with ‘stop, question and frisk’ until the arrival of new electronic detection technology which will totally eliminate the need for the existing program. 

“And finally John Catsimatidis has created tens of thousands of jobs over the course of his business career. Few in public life have such experience. But, John recognizes that times have changed…that making New York the high tech city of the world is simply not enough. Jobs for the middle class without a high-tech educational background are critical for our city. Whether it is the return of manufacturing, an expansion of basic healthcare employment in a new attempt to bring healthcare to within ten minutes of every city resident, or a combination of new ingredients, Catsimatidis is personally committed to make jobs happen.

“He’s going to be a great Mayor and we’re proud to help him when and where we can”. 

John Catsimatidis said, “I am proud to accept the nomination of the Liberal Party and with their support and the support of the Republican Party create the coalition needed to win in November. “

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