Summer Plans?

by | Jul 9, 2014 | English


Written by  Diane Adam, The Greek Star

Summer is here and the Greek festivals are in full swing. There are many upcoming events happening here in Chicago. Be sure to attend a Greek festival and enjoy the long days of summer. The Greek Star’s next issue date will appear the week of July 17. Enjoy and get outside and make your summer plans!


‘Loneliness has become the most common ailment of the modern world’  Yesterday I fell upon an interesting video. It is called The Innovation of Loneliness from Shimi Cohen.

The eye-opening animation by Shimi Cohen will have you transfixed on how your time on social media is in fact not social but the exact opposite. I know this is a distorted view to naysayers but look through the lens Cohen presents. It might   make you reconsider your next post a little more carefully.


Interesting news coming out of Washington from the Archons: “Just days after the Pew Research Center, in the largest political survey in its history, found that Republicans and Democrats are further apart ideologically than at any point in recent history, the Senators of the Foreign Relations Committee provided a stunning counterpoint: regardless of party, they agreed unanimously on one of the most vital issues of our day — that in dealing with the United States of America, religious freedom trumps diplomatic expediency.

“In a striking show of solidarity, all ten Democrats and all eight Republicans on the Committee signed a letter to President Barack Obama urging him to support religious freedom for Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, the spiritual head of Orthodox Christianity, the second largest Christian Church in the world,” said Dr. Anthony Limberakis, National Commander of the Order of St. Andrew — Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate.

“We greatly appreciate the leadership of Senators Chris Murphy (D-CT) and Ron Johnson (R-WI), the Chairman and Ranking Member, respectively, of the Senate European Affairs Subcommittee, who initiated this letter,” said Andy Manatos, who heads the Order’s religious freedom efforts in Washington, DC.

The Senate Foreign Relations Committee is urging President Obama to press Turkey to grant the Ecumenical Patriarch full religious freedom. The letter said, “The restoration of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew’s religious freedom would benefit people of all faiths, America’s national interests, and the best interests of Turkey as well.”

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