Erdogan sees a plot to encircle Turkey’s ambitions

by | Oct 11, 2020 | English


France, Germany, Greece, Russia and the US all have cause to contain Turkey’s neo-Ottoman expansionism.-


(Part 2)

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said in Berlin on October 2 that the European Union seeks a “constructive dialogue and a positive agenda” with Turkey. She had just returned to the German capital after a two-day summit meeting of the EU countries in Brussels.

Germany played a key role at the summit in steering the EU-Turkey relationship away from a confrontationist path to which it had been drifting lately. (See my commentary EU marks distance from Indo-Pacific strategy.)

Merkel said, “We had a very long, detailed discussion about our relations with Turkey. We came to the conclusion that we would like to enter into a constructive dialogue with Turkey, we want to have a positive agenda.” She added that the Brussels summit had opened a window of opportunity for closer cooperation with Ankara.

Merkel disclosed that talks for closer cooperation between the EU and Turkey in the coming months would focus on migration issues, trade, modernizing the customs union, and a liberalized visa regime.

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