OPAC Launches Mission To Shine Light On Religious Persecution

by | Dec 1, 2020 | English


By Nigerian Tribune-

The Orthodox Public Affairs Committee (OPAC) has announced the mission to start exposing and combating the persecution of Christians around the globe.

Tribune Churchnews gathered that OPAC, in accordance with its mission, will provide public advocacy for the global Orthodox Christian Church, and promote, support, defend and champion worldwide Christianity in the face of oppression, exclusion and prejudice.

Former Deputy Assistant to the President, Director of the White House Office of Presidential Advance and Co-Founder & Chairman of OPAC, George Gigicos, said: “For too long, the diminution and outright persecution of Christians has been accepted as status quo.

“Although we are primarily Orthodox Christians, we will speak up for all people of faith, because the intolerance of one is the oppression of all. OPAC will bring to light the truth of what is happening in our world today, without fear or hesitation. We look forward to forging partnerships with those who share our values and our goals,” he said.

Co-founder Nicholas Furris noted that, “This kind of spiritual ‘theft,’ not only of a physical space, but also of its representational value, is unacceptable in the modern world, and OPAC will oppose it whenever and wherever it occurs.”

Christianity is under attack by cultural misappropriation, discriminatory practices towards minorities and direct persecution around the world. OPAC will address these conditions with forceful advocacy to expose these anti-religious trends and garner support to reverse them.

OPAC launches mission to shine light on religious persecution

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