Όλες οι κατηγορίες:

Φανή Πεταλίδου
Ιδρύτρια της Πρωινής
΄Έτος Ίδρυσης 1977
ΑρχικήΕιδήσειςΣήμερα οι εκλογές στο Ισραήλ

Σήμερα οι εκλογές στο Ισραήλ

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Διεξάγονται σήμερα οι πολυαναμενόμενες εκλογές στο Ισραήλ για την ανάδειξη νέας ηγεσίας. Τα αποτελέσματα επίσημα θα ανακοινωθούν στις 18 Φεβρουαρίου. Από τις πρώτες εκλογές άπό την ίδρυση του ισραηλινού κράτους το 1948 μέχρι σήμερα δεν έχει προκύψει αυτοδύναμη κυβέρνηση, κάτι που αναμένεται ούτε και από αυτές τις εκλογές. Μετά την ανακοίνωση των επίσημων αποτελεσμάτων,  δίνεται η εντολή στο πρώτο κόμμα σε έδρες για τον σχηματισμό κυβέρνησης εντός 6 εβδομάδων. Αν δεν υπάρξει αποτέλεσμα, η ίδια εντολή δίνεται στο δεύτερο σε έδρες κόμμα. Εκείνο που αναμένεται με ιδιαίτερο ενδιαφέρον είναι ποιοι θα είναι οι συσχετισμοί των κομμάτων από τους οποίους θα προκύψει η νέα κυβέρνηση, έτοιμη (;) να  συνεχίσει τις διαπραγματεύσεις στη  χρονίζουσα αραβο-ϊσραηλινή διένεξη



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Εκλογές-θρίλερ στο Ισραήλ
Έθνος –
Ανοιχτά παραμένουν όλα τα σενάρια για την έκβαση των σημερινών εκλογών στο Ισραήλ καθώς αναλυτές κάνουν λόγο για μάχη στήθος με στήθος μεταξύ των υποψηφίων.
Ο ακροδεξιός Λίμπερμαν αναμένεται να βγει κερδισμένος από τις εκλογές
Η Καθημερινή –
Ο πλέον αμφιλεγόμενος πολιτικός ηγέτης στο Ισραήλ αναμένεται να είναι και ο μεγάλος κερδισμένος των σημερινών εκλογών, εφόσον βεβαίως επιβεβαιωθούν οι
Οι αναποφάσιστοι κρίνουν τις εκλογές στο Ισραήλ
Ημερησία –
Στον απόηχο του πολέμου στη Γάζα και πριν καν υπάρξει συμφωνία μόνιμης εκεχειρίας μεταξύ του Ισραηήλ και της Χαμάς, προσέρχονται σήμερα στις κάλπες περίπου
Ισραήλ: Ο νικητής στο νήμα με ρυθμιστή την Ακρα Δεξιά
Nαυτεμπορικη –
Μάχη «στήθος με στήθος» αναμένεται να δώσουν στις βουλευτικές εκλογές που διεξάγονται σήμερα στο Ισραήλ το Λικούντ του Μπενιαμίν Νετανιάχου και το Καντίμα
Στις κάλπες οι Ισραηλινοί
Deutsche Welle –
Το ενδιαφέρον επικεντρώνεται στην εκλογική συμπεριφορά των αναποφάσιστων, καθώς αυτοί θα κρίνουν την έκβαση της εκλογικής αναμέτρησης, με δεδομένη την μικρή
Ακροδεξιός ο «ρυθμιστής»
Ελευθεροτυπία –
Η άνοδος των σκληροπυρηνικών μέχρι του σημείου να αναδείξουν την επόμενη κυβέρνηση του Ισραήλ και το δυσμενές κλίμα στο οποίο έχουν περιέλθει οι Ισραηλινοί
Υπερ-δεξιό εκλογικό σκηνικό στο Ισραήλ
Το Βήμα Online –
Το Λικούντ προηγείται οριακά του Καντίμα, ενώ ο «Λεπέν της Δυτικής Οχθης» Λίμπερμαν αφήνει τέταρτους(!) τους Εργατικούς ΤΕΛ ΑΒΙΒ Στροφή επί δεξιά
Πρόωρες εκλογές στο Ισραήλ
Cosmo.gr –
Στις κάλπες προσέρχονται την Τρίτη (10/2) – υπό δυσμενείς καιρικές συνθήκες που ίσως μειώσει το ποσοστό συμμετοχής – περισσότερα από πέντε εκατομμύρια
Ισραήλ: Στήθος με στήθος η εκλογική μάχη
Τελευταία ημέρα προεκλογικής εκστρατείας στο Ισραήλ, την ώρα όπου ο στρατός συνέχιζε τις σποραδικές επιθέσεις στη Λωρίδα της Γάζας. Για μία σκληρή
Σε τροχιά σύγκρουσης ο Ομπάμα με τον Νετανιάχου
Τα Νέα Οnline –
Με ανησυχία βλέπει η Ουάσιγκτον το ενδεχόμενο νίκης στις αυριανές εκλογές στο Ισραήλ του πρώην πρωθυπουργού Μπέντζαμιν Νετανιάχου, ο οποίος αντιδρά τόσο
Ο παράγων Λίμπερμαν
SKAI.gr –
Κανένα από τα μεγάλα κόμματα του Ισραήλ δεν αναμένεται να καταφέρει να συγκεντρώσει επαρκείς ψήφους στις εκλογές της 10ης Φεβρουαρίου για να σχηματίσει
«Πόλεμος» πάνω στις κάλπες στο Ισραήλ
Το άρθρο έχει συνταχθεί την Κυριακή, 8 Φεβρουαρίου, 2009 και έχει καταχώρηθεί στην κατηγορία ΔΙΕΘΝΗ. Μπορείτε να παρακολουθήσετε σχόλια σε αυτό το άρθρο
Έτοιμος να συνεργαστεί ο Αμπάς
Η Σημερινή –
Ο πρόεδρος της Παλαιστινιακής Αρχής Μαχμούντ Αμπάς δήλωσε σήμερα έτοιμος να συνεργασθεί με οποιαδήποτε κυβέρνηση προκύψει από τις αυριανές βουλευτικές
Αμφίρροπες οι εκλογές στο Ισραήλ
Η Καθημερινή –
Στις κάλπες προσέρχονται σήμερα οι Ισραηλινοί προκειμένου να αναδείξουν τον διάδοχο του Εχούντ Ολμερτ στον πρωθυπουργικό θώκο.
Μάχη στήθος με στήθος Λίβνι-Νετανιάχου
Τα Νέα Οnline –
Για μάχη στήθος με στήθος προετοιμάζονται ο ηγέτης του δεξιού Λικούντ Μπενιαμίν Νετανιάχου και η επικεφαλής του κεντρώου Καντίμα και υπουργός Εξωτερικών
Ψηφίζουν από το πρωί σήμερα οι Ισραηλινοί
Η Καθημερινή –
ΙΕΡΟΥΣΑΛΗΜ. Κρίσιμες για το μέλλον της παραπαίουσας ειρηνευτικής διαδικασίας στη Μέση Ανατολή θεωρούνται οι σημερινές κοινοβουλευτικές εκλογές στο Ισραήλ
"Μονομαχία" Νετανιάχου-Λίβνι για την πρωθυπουργία στο Ισραήλ
Στην τελευταία ημέρα της προεκλογικής εκστρατείας για τις εθνικές εκλογές της 10ης Φεβρουαρίου εισήλθε το Ισραήλ. Φαβορί θεωρείται ο ηγέτης του δεξιού
Ρυθμιστές οι αναποφάσιστοι
Ελευθεροτυπία –
Με δύο επισκέψεις, σε εβραϊκό οικισμό της Δυτικής Οχθης και στα Υψίπεδα του Γκολάν, θέλησε να ενισχύσει εμπράκτως τα δεξιά διαπιστευτήριά του ο
Israelis vote with Livni, Netanyahu in close race
The Associated Press 
JERUSALEM (AP) – The two front-runners in the race to rule Israel urged voters to head to the polls Tuesday to tip the scales in a surprisingly tight
Netanyahu, Livni Locked in Tight Race
Washington Post, United States –
The outcome of the war in the Gaza Strip has emerged as a central issue in campaigns for elections on Feb. 10, when Israelis will choose a new government.
Israeli voters opinionated as Palestinians cynical
Reuters –
By Tova Cohen TEL AVIV (Reuters) – Israelis are seldom shy about expressing a political opinion, even on an election campaign that most found boring,
Israelis go to polls in crucial election
CNN International 
JERUSALEM (CNN) — Israelis braved pouring rain and strong winds Tuesday to cast ballots in an election that will pick not just the next prime minister but
Israel votes
BBC News, UK –
Israelis are voting to elect a new government, and opinion polls suggest the results will be close. As he voted, the front-runner throughout the campaign,
Israel's Candidates Make Their Last Minute Appeals
Forward, NY 
Front-runners Tzipi Livni and Benjamin Netanyahu made last-minute appeals to Israel's voters Tuesday, as polls opened in a general election that pollsters
PROFILE: Benjamin Netanyahu -Promising a "new way"
Monsters and Critics.com 
Tel Aviv – Benjamin Netanyahu went into Israel's parliamentary election Tuesday with a slight lead in the polls, after promising 'a new way' to Israelis.
Israelis vote in tight election
Aljazeera.net, Qatar 
By Alex Sehmer in Jerusalem Israelis are voting in a closely fought general election, overshadowed by the issue of security in the wake of the country's
Fear More of a Factor Than Hope as Israel Votes
New York Times, United States
By Robert Mackey A design for an election poster in support of Israel's foreign minister, Tzipi Livni. As Israelis vote in Tuesday's parliamentary elections
Left, Women Could Help Tzipi Livni Top Netanyahu in Israeli Election
Women on the Web, NY 
By The Staff at wowOwow.com With votes split between Benjamin Netanyahu's conservative Likud Party and the centrist Kadima Party, led by Foreign Minister
Gazans consider Israeli offensive part of its election campaign
Xinhua, China 
by Saud Abu Ramadan GAZA, Feb. 10 (Xinhua) — Majority Palestinians in the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip have agreed that the 22-day Israeli military
Party heads vote and call on the public to brave the weather
Jerusalem Post, Israel 
By JPOST.COM STAFF Leaders of several of Israel's political parties cast their ballots on Tuesday morning and called upon those eligible to vote to brave
Key facts about Israel's election
International Herald Tribune, France 
AP Citizens vote for party lists, not individual candidates. Seats are allocated in the Knesset according to the percentage of the vote the parties win.
Israelis vote with Livni, Netanyahu in close race
AP – February 10, 2009 10:23 AM ET JERUSALEM (AP) – The two front-runners in Israel's general election have been making last minute appeals as voters head
Israel shifts to the right
euronews, France 
As Israelis weigh up their vote today, election posters fail to show what seems to be the new reality. Binjamin Netanyahu and Ehud Barak have been trusted
Israelis Vote as Security Concerns Boost Netanyahu
By Gwen Ackerman and David Rosenberg Feb. 10 (Bloomberg) — Israelis began voting in national elections today as security issues boost parties opposed to
Israel votes in tight election
By Joseph Nasr JERUSALEM (Reuters) – Israelis voted on Tuesday in a tight election race, with right-wing opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu bidding to
Livni supporters surge at last
Sydney Morning Herald, Australia 
Walkover…an Israeli soldier cast a prepoll vote at a military outpost in the Golan Heights on Monday. Photo: AP ISRAELIS will know by early afternoon
Israel Israel at a turning point as election promises upheaval
euronews, France 
The campaign has been dominated by the most recent conflict in Gaza, led by the ruling Kadima party of Tzipi Livni. Livni, a 50 year-old former Mossad agent
As Israel votes, anxiety and fatigue rule
Business Mirror, Philippines 
JERUSALEM-Israel's military has just trounced its enemies in the Gaza Strip. It has been more than a year since an Israeli civilian was last killed by a
Livni predicts rise of Kadima
Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni says her Kadima Party will win the parliamentary elections and defeat the right-wing Likud Party.
Turnout up amid tight Israel race
BBC News, UK 
Voting in Israel's general election has been higher than the record low turnout of 2006, despite poor weather and fears of voter apathy. At 1600 (1400 GMT),
Israeli election: Where they stand
BBC News, UK 
Israel's elections pitch three candidates from the centre, centre-right and centre-left against each other. Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni of Kadima,
Indecision Reigns as Israelis Get Ready to Vote
New York Times, United States –
Campaign posters in Jerusalem for, from left, Benjamin Netanyahu of the right-wing Likud Party, Tzipi Livni of centrist Kadima and Ehud Barak of center-left
Israel's election without fanfare
BBC News, UK –
By Katya Adler Israeli voters are not impressed. This is an election focused more on personality than politics. As candidates for prime minister,
Far-right rise crimps Netanyahu before Israel vote
Reuters –
By Joseph Nasr JERUSALEM, Feb 6 (Reuters) – Benjamin Netanyahu will go into Tuesday's Israeli election with centrist Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni breathing
Downbeat poll reflects Israel mood
BBC News, UK 
By Paul Wood Some Israeli voters seem to have taken to heart the old anarchists' saying "if voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal".
Israeli election battle seen too close to call
Reuters –
By Ari Rabinovitch JERUSALEM, Feb 9 (Reuters) – Israel's national election is likely to be a cliff-hanger, pollsters said on Monday, on the eve of a vote
Israeli voters head to polls
McClatchy Washington Bureau, DC 
By Dion Nissenbaum | McClatchy Newspapers JERUSALEM – Israeli voters battled blustery winds and rain showers on Tuesday as they cast ballots to choose a new
Israel veers to the right
The Week Magazine 
Israelis go to the polls Tuesday, said Ilene Prusher in The Christian Science Monitor, and the ruling Kadima party will likely "take the brunt of voter
As Israelis vote, it's all about war and peace
Christian Science Monitor, MA
Jerusalem – When Israelis go to polls Tuesday, the impact of the country's two wars in less than three years will be a deciding factor for many.
'Post' finds twice as many MKs to pick Netanyahu over Livni'
Jerusalem Post, Israel –
By GIL HOFFMAN Twice as many lawmakers will recommend to President Shimon Peres that Likud chairman Binyamin Netanyahu form the next government as will back
PROFILE: Tzipi Livni hopes to become Israel's second female premier
Monsters and Critics.com
Tel Aviv – Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi (Tzipora) Livni's rise to prominence has been anything but comet-like. Since first joining the Knesset in 1996,
Analysis: Will the US and Israel now be able to tango?
Jerusalem Post, Israel –
By HILARY LEILA KRIEGER, THE JERUSALEM POST, WASHINGTON In a bit of a role reversal for Washington, its denizens find themselves looking overseas to see how
Final polls: Likud slips, still on course for narrow election win
Jerusalem Post, Israel –
By GIL HOFFMAN The Likud will win an unexpectedly close race but the right-wing bloc will easily defeat the Left, according to a consensus of polls taken
Israelis begin voting in general election
Telegraph.co.uk, United Kingdom –
Israelis have begun voting in a general election which will choose the prime minister who engages with President Barack Obama's new drive for peace in the
Israeli poll rivals square off over security
Reuters –
By Alastair Macdonald JERUSALEM (Reuters) – With his poll lead narrowing ahead of Tuesday's parliamentary election, right-winger Benjamin Netanyahu stressed
Netanyahu aims to retake helm of jittery Israel
Reuters –
By Dan Williams JERUSALEM (Reuters) – A decade after being ousted by Israelis entranced with his rival's promise of peace accords and modest governance,
US looks warily to Israeli election
Reuters –
By Sue Pleming – Analysis WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The United States is officially neutral in Tuesday's Israeli election but Benjamin Netanyahu is seen as the
Lieber-fear and Bibi-phobia: How fear of the far-right could make
Ha'aretz, Israel –
By Benjamin L. Hartman I have to confess, at times, these last two weeks, I've drifted off to sleep only to find myself in a halcyon Israel where the skin
Olmert says no Israeli government would let Iran get nukes
Reuters –
JERUSALEM (Reuters) – Israel will not allow arch-foe Iran to develop nuclear weapons, no matter what the political make-up of the Israeli government,
Olmert endorses Tzipi Livni for PM
Jerusalem Post, Israel 
By GIL HOFFMAN Prime Minister Ehud Olmert entered the political fray at the eleventh hour ahead of Tuesday's election when he announced at a Maccabiah
Israel Heads to Elections as Gaza Violence Continues
Voice of America –
By Luis Ramirez This is the last day of campaigning in Israel, where voters on Tuesday are to elect a new Prime Minister. With security as a major concern
Israelis cast votes today in tight Likud-Kadima race
Ha'aretz, Israel –
By Yossi Verter This morning, Likud chairman Benjamin Netanyahu will be asking himself how the devil he managed to lose about 10 seats in the polls in less
Israeli Election Between Netanyahu, Livni
by Eric Westervelt Morning Edition, February 10, 2009 · Israelis are casting ballots in an election that could shape Mideast peace negotiations.
Topsy-turvy campaign for once invincible Likud
Ha'aretz, Israel –
By Mazal Mualem Benjamin Netanyahu is arriving at the 2009 elections with two strategic achievements in hand, both of which were over a year in the works.
Israel's Livni woos female voters ahead of poll
Reuters –
By Allyn Fisher-Ilan JERUSALEM (Reuters) – With Israeli pollsters predicting a close national election on Tuesday, Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni is wooing
Likud seeking to capitalize on lead in polls
CNN – 
(CNN) — CNN.com profiles the leading parties and party leaders ahead of Tuesday's Israeli elections. Likud leader Benjamin Netanyahu has called for Hamas
Kadima: Center-left voters will pick us to ensure Likud defeat
Ha'aretz, Israel – Feb 8, 2009
By Mazal Mualem Kadima is hoping to beat Likud by taking votes from Labor and the New Movement-Meretz party while winning undecided center-left voters.
Kadima hoping to hold onto power
CNN – 
(CNN) — CNN.com profiles the leading parties and party leaders ahead of Tuesday's Israeli elections. Tzipi Livni is campaigning for the chance to be
Final Polls Show Close Race in Israeli Elections
Voice of America – Feb 6, 2009
By Robert Berger Israel's front-runner Benjamin Netanyahu has blown a big lead, and final polls show him barely ahead of Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni.
Livni: Israel's most powerful woman
Times of India, India –
JERUSALEM: Tzipi Livni, who is bidding to become Israel's second woman prime minister, is a former Mossad spy who has risen quickly up the political ranks
Israel votes in tight election
Deutsche Welle, Germany – 40 minutes ago
Israelis have been voting to elect a new government – the 18th in the country's 60-year history. Approximately 4.8 million eligible voters will choose from
Undecided Jerusalem voters turn reluctantly to Bibi
Africasia, UK –
"I'm still wavering between Kadima and Likud," shrugged Racheli, one of hundreds of thousands of still undecided voters in Israel's general election.
Benjamin Netanyahu tipped for victory in election cliffhanger
The Australian, Australia – 2 hours ago
ISRAEL went to the polls last night with Benjamin Netanyahu poised to become prime minister for a second time despite a late challenge from Foreign Minister
Video: Netanyahu's Likud eyeing return to power
france24english –
NEWS F24: Israel's right-of-centre opposition Likud party, led by hawkish former premier Benjamin Netanyahu, has emerged as the favourite in a campaign Show video
Israelis head to the polls to decide tight race
CBC.ca, Canada – 
Israelis are heading to the polls Tuesday to decide the outcome of a two-horse race between former prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Foreign Minister
Early turnout high in Israeli election
Melbourne Herald Sun, Australia –
DESPITE predictions of a low turnout, more Israelis had cast ballots in the first five hours of voting today than during the previous election three years
Israeli election 'too close to call'
Scotsman, United Kingdom – 4 hours ago
ISRAELIS went to the polls today in an election that pollsters say is too close to call, with right-wing opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu bidding to
Late support raises Livni's chance in Israel
The Age, Australia –
An Israeli Orthodox Jewish man is silhouetted behind a cardboard voting station at a school in Jerusalem. Photo: AFP ISRAELIS will know by early this
Israelis Vote In General Election
Sky News, UK – 6 hours ago
Israelis are voting in a general election that sees opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu bidding to oust the party of foreign minister Tzipi Livni.
Will Israelis deliver 'a surprise?'
Toronto Star,  Canada –
JERUSALEM – It was negative, it was inconclusive, it focused on personalities far more than on policies, and it was both shaped and overshadowed by a deadly
Head to Head Race Israelis hit voting booths in key election
WELT ONLINE, Germany – 6 hours ago
Israelis began voting on Tuesday in an election that is too close to call, with right-wing opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu bidding to oust the centrist
Voters go to polls in Israeli general election
Belfast Telegraph, United Kingdom –
Israeli voters are going to the polls today to elect a new government following the collapse of the previous coalition last year. The right-wing Likud party
Israeli election expected to be triumph of the right
Globe and Mail, Canada – 7 hours ago
LOD, ISRAEL – Israel votes today in an election few of its citizens really wanted. Seldom has there been a race in which the two leading parties have been
Party leaders cast ballots
Ynetnews, Israel –
A number of party leaders exercised their democratic right and cast their vote for Israel's 18th Knesset Tuesday morning, shortly after the polling stations
The Israeli Elections
Atlantic Online –
Well, it's not the best choice in Israeli history, is it? I don't have all that much to add right now, in part because I'm 7416 miles away from Tel Aviv,
Israeli polls open for general election
eTaiwan News, Taiwan – 
By STEVE WEIZMAN AP Israeli election officials said most of the country's polling stations opened Tuesday as scheduled at 7 am local time (0500 GMT) and no
Polls open for Israeli election
ABC Online, Australia – 8 hours ago
By Middle East correspondent Ben Knight Likud party leader Benjamin Netanyahu casts his ballot at a polling station in Jerusalem.
Close vote predicted in Israel
Atlanta Journal Constitution,  USA 
By Josef Federman AP Jerusalem — Israel's elections were too close to call early today, although hard-liners were expected to have a clear edge in the
Israelis to Vote in Close Race Marked by Gaza War
Deutsche Welle, Germany – 9 hours ago
Israelis hit the polls on Tuesday, aware of ongoing sporadic rocket attacks from Gaza and after one of the briefest election campaigns in their country's
Israeli voters cast ballots in general election
The Associated Press –
JERUSALEM (AP) – Voters braved poor weather in Jerusalem and other parts of Israel Tuesday to cast their ballots in a general election pitting conservative
Israel kicks off general election
Philippine Star, Philippines –
JERUSALEM (Xinhua) — Israel on Tuesday morning started a day-long general election to choose its next parliament and premiership. Some 5.3 million Israelis
Polls open in Israel
Aljazeera.net, Qatar 
Israelis have begun voting in a general election dominated by security concerns after Israel's war in Gaza last month. Tuesday's election is likely to see

Analysis: The new prime minister's to-do list
Jerusalem Post, Israel –
By AMIR MIZROCH The job that frontrunners Tzipi Livni and Binyamin Netanyahu are vying for has to be the most difficult, most pressurized job on the planet.

Inside the mind of the Israeli voter
Jewish Telegraphic Agency, NY –
By Uriel Heilman · February 9, 2009 JERUSALEM (JTA) — Whatever happens on Election Day, this contest will be decided by the Israeli gut.
Israeli voters told choice is either Livni or Netanyahu
Irish Times, Ireland – 14 hours ago
ISRAELIS GO to the polls today with the two leading candidates, former prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and foreign minister Tzipi Livni, urging voters
Disillusioned Israelis go to the polls
Los Angeles Times, CA –
Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, left, of the centrist Kadima party campaigns during an election tour on a train from Tel Aviv to the southern town of Lehavim.
Israel Holding Parliamentary Election
Voice of America – 15 hours ago
By VOA News Israelis vote Tuesday in parliamentary elections that will determine the successor to Prime Minister Ehud Olmert. Israeli politicians scrambled
Outcome of Israeli election could test Obama policies
Kansas City Star, MO –
By WARREN P. STROBEL President Barack Obama's promise to seek Middle East peace aggressively faces its first test Tuesday, not at the negotiating table or
Politics not quite as usual
Indian Express, India – 15 hours ago
A THREE-HORSE race for much of the campaign, the Israeli election due on February 10th has a new hopeful. It is now a four-horse affair, with a long trail
The preferred candidate
Ha'aretz, Israel –
In elections one must choose from among the contending parties and candidates, not between the reality and utopia. In today's elections, the contenders for
En route to a triumvirate
Ha'aretz, Israel – 16 hours ago
By Amir Oren Three days after the 2006 election, Amir Peretz and his advisors convened in Benny Gaon's house in Herzliya Pituah. Peretz, whose Labor Party
In favor of the unknown
Ha'aretz, Israel –
By Doron Rosenblum Election Day is that cold, gray day that no one really prepared for and few reached with any real enthusiasm.
Even Likud agrees: It's between Tzipi and Bibi
Ha'aretz, Israel –
By Mazal Mualem Kadima chairwoman Tzipi Livni began the campaign under the shadow of her failed effort to establish a new government after winning her
PM hopefuls plant trees (and ideas in undecided minds)
Ha'aretz, Israel – By Barak Ravid, Jonathan Lis and Mazal Mualem Kadima chair Tzipi Livni said yesterday she was going to beat Likud chairman MK Benjamin Netanyahu.
OPINION: Dirty socks -Uri Avnery
Daily Times, Pakistan –
We are faced by a sorry lot of politicians, some of them documented failures and some completely free of any past achievements.
Israelis vote in tight election race
Hürriyet, Turkey –
JERUSALEM – Israeli voters go to the polls to cut the Gordian Knot on who will emerge victorious from the tight election race. As final surveys give a slim
The Vote Offensive
Indian Express, India –
The timing is just right for Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu. The Gaza attack has ended the ideological drift in Netanyahu's hawkish Likud party and helped the
Close race expected in Israel general election
Aljazeera.net, Qatar –
Israelis are set to vote in one of the country's most keenly-fought elections in years. Tzipi Livni, Israel's foreign minister and leader of Kadima,
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